What is Blackboard Ultra?

Ultra is the newest version of Blackboard's learning management system.

It has an improved, intuitive, simplistic user interface and works perfectly on any device. This is arguably the world's #1 software for effective and efficient teaching and learning in an online context. 

Watch Intro Video

About this Course

Click here to watch an introduction to this course.

Course curriculum

Watch the 'FREE PREVIEW' videos to get a better idea about this course.

  • 1


    • 3 questions before we begin

    • About you

    • About the instructor

    • About this course

    • Check your understanding

    • Demographic information

  • 2

    Getting Started

    • Digital Education: the basics

    • Experiential Learning Theory

    • Social Constructivism

    • The TPACK model

    • The SAMR model

    • Microlearning

    • Check your understanding

    • The Blackboard Ultra interface

    • Setting up your profile

    • Viewing the Activity Stream

    • Accessing your course

    • Your calendar

    • Students' grades

    • Check your understanding

  • 3

    Designing your course

    • Synchronous online teaching

    • Asynchronous online teaching

    • Microlearning in practice

    • Peer-learning in an online environment

    • Effective communication with your students

    • Check your understanding

    • Using the 'Collaborate' tool for real-time lessons

    • Adding videos to your course

    • Creating an entire lesson using the microlearning method

    • Creating meaningful group work tasks

    • Blackboard Ultra's communication tools

    • Check your understanding

  • 4

    Assessing your students online

    • Defining summative assessment

    • Defining formative assessment

    • Assessing group work

    • Feedback vs. Feedforward

    • Students who cheat

    • How to create a summative assessment

    • How to create a formative assessment

    • The assessment of groupwork

    • Providing feedback / forward

    • Minimising cheating

    • Check your understanding

  • 5

    Advanced Concepts & Features

    • Differentiation in an online course

    • SEN Students online

    • Cloud storage

    • Mobile devices

    • Data analytics

    • Check your understanding

    • Using the adaptive release function

    • Using the Ally feature

    • Cloud Storage Integration

    • Using mobile devices

    • Learning from data analytics

    • Check your understanding

  • 6

    Evaluating an example

    • Setting the context

    • Flipped classroom content delivery

    • Starting the Lesson

    • Concept Checking

    • Peer-Teaching

    • Teacher's Input

    • Subsequent Tasks

    • Course summary

Course Features

  • Certified Course

    Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate from the British University in Dubai.

  • 50+ Instructional Videos

    Just under 2 hours of informative, engaging online videos, which you can watch anytime and anywhere.

  • Expertise Guaranteed

    Learn everything you need to know about teaching online with the Blackboard Ultra learning management system.

Course Instructor

Director of the Centre for Research in Digital Education at the British University in Dubai.

Dr. Tendai Charles